Nutritional Supplements Benefit of Vision Loss: Slowing the Progression of AMD

Vision plus - Vision loss supplement

Nutritional vision loss supplements might be able to help prevent vision loss due to age-associated macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, as the research below demonstrates.

Macular Degeneration Linked to Age (AMD)

AMD is a condition that affects the macula, a region of the retina that is important for vision, in the rear of the eye. This may result in the central portion of your vision becoming hazy or wavelike. Additionally, it might result in a blind patch in the center of your field of vision.

Cataracts – Vision Loss

A cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that prevents or alters the entry of light into the eye. The pupil’s colored iris and the pupil’s lens of attention are located behind the pupil, which is generally translucent. The lens makes it easier to perceive images on the retina, which then transfers them to the brain. Because the cataract prevents light from properly flowing through your retina, your vision may also become hazy or dim that leads to vision loss.

Study on Age-Related Eye Disease (AREDS)

The goal of the Age-Related Eye Disease Study (AREDS) is to determine whether daily intake of healthy vitamins and minerals can reduce the risk of AMD and cataracts. The National Eye Institute (NEI) published the results of AREDS in 2001. The preliminary AREDS results showed that pharmacological-level doses of zinc, vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene alongside copper may also help slow the development of AMD only in people who were at high risk of developing advanced AMD, such as those with intermediate AMD in one or both eyes and those with advanced AMD in one eye but no longer the other. Sadly, those vitamins no longer worked to reduce the risk of cataract development.

Study 2 on Age-Related Eye Disease (AREDS2)

The National Eye Institute researched the use of nutritional supplements to preserve eyes from vision loss, and the findings of the follow-up study, known as AREDS2, were released by the NEI in 2013. This study was conducted to see whether adding omega-3 fatty acids or the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin would advance the AREDS approach. These antioxidants have been linked to a lower risk of developing superior AMD, according to prior studies. Given that lutein and zeaxanthin belong to the same vitamin family as beta-carotene, the study sought to determine whether they are a safer and more potent alternative to this vitamin.

Beta-carotene and zinc dose reduction were also investigated by AREDS2 to see if they altered the risk of advanced AMD. The amount of zinc used in the initial AREDS was seen to be excessively high by some nutritionists, and beta-carotene has been linked to an increased risk of lung cancer in smokers.

  •       500 mg of the original AREDS Formulation’s diet C
  •       400 international diet E gadgets
  •       Beta-carotene 15 mg
  •       80 milligrams of zinc oxide
  •       Copper as cupric oxide, 2 milligrams

Amendments to AREDS2 in Vision Loss

  •       Lutein and zeaxanthin addition
  •       Including omega-3
  •       Taking beta-carotene out
  •       Decreasing the level of zinc

AREDS2 Research results:

Over five years, the genuine AREDS approach reduced the risk of advanced AMD by almost 25%.

The original AREDS technique (including beta-carotene), whether supplemented with omega-3 fatty acids or lutein/zeaxanthin, had no impact.

When compared to persons who consumed beta-carotene, those who used the AREDS technique with the addition of lutein/zeaxanthin and no beta-carotene experienced a moderate reduction in the risk of developing advanced AMD.

Vision loss supplements added to the AREDS protocol helped those with very low levels of lutein/zeaxanthin in their diet reduce their risk of developing advanced AMD and the need for cataract surgery.

Zinc reduction and beta-carotene removal had no significant effects on how well the AREDS approach worked.

Maintaining a Healthful Lifestyle

The risk of a few eye illnesses may also be reduced with appropriate nutrition throughout life. A diet high in healthy dark green vegetables may also reduce the risk of AMD. Additionally, you can improve your well-known eye health by abstaining from smoking, remaining active, and maintaining proper blood pressure.

Nutritional Facts of Vision Plus Capsule


Things to Consider

The best way to make sure that your vision is healthy and to keep it that way is to have regular dilated eye tests, according to Prevent Blindness. If you have AMD or any other vision loss issues, you should visit your eye doctor frequently following a treatment plan that is appropriate for your symptoms.


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